Sunday, February 27, 2011

Road Perspective:
This post is the evidence of infinite perspective of sky. I used Photo shop to give a shape of the picture. First I took a picture and then crop it and removed the background.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Golden section

Golden Section Ruler
Here in this golden section ruler I tried my best to show how to use ruler. How can a design be more attractive to the viewers. When a designer design he should keep it in mind but unfortunately I am not a designer. so, what I usually do I write or design whatever I like, not for others but for me. Selfish! yes, I am a selfish. Actually this is my inability. I have never thought of studying a sophisticated subject like Visual Literacy.

But honestly speaking I am enjoying this technology class.Please don't make fun. If you are a good friend. Comments critically how to improve.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Krause Alignment Exercise Alignment Exercise (p. 87)

Krause says" Alignment between elements can be used to create a sense of agreement , soundness and unity within a piece, regardless of the tone of its overall message."

 I have chosen to create this ad for a pencil company .I liked the placing of the pencils as a centered alignment.Even the lettering of the heading and the sub headings has been kept centrally assigned to give a sense of proportion and also emphasize the pencils beauty as well as the name.The Grey background has been used to enhance and emphasize the description used  'sparkling '.